
Ephesians: Grace and Joy in Christ is unavailable, but you can change that!

Ephesians is a letter to a church very much like yours. Paul is obviously commended that this young church gets its foundations right. It is intriguing that later, when writing to Timothy, he says that there are some in the church promoting “false doctrines.” The leadership was in revolt! Yet in the Revelation given to John, Jesus commends the Ephesian church that they have thrown out the false...

This idea of ‘putting on’ the armour is very similar to what has been taught in chapter 4 where Christians were told to put on the new self (4:24). There we learned of the contrast between the works of darkness and the righteousness and holiness that Christians were to reflect as they were created to be like God. The reason for putting on this armour is so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground. These attacks by the spiritual forces are going
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